Editorial policy

Historia Urbana journal promotes publishing articles and bibliographical notes focused on social, economic, political and cultural aspects of the history of towns and cities from Romania, but also from other countries of Central and Eastern Europe.


Submissions from authors on all aspects of urban history are invited. No historical period is excluded. Articles submitted for publication should be sent to one of the editors, preferably as electronic submissions by email, in two types of text files (RTF or DOC and PDF).
Submission of a paper will be taken to imply that it is unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in which they do not hold copyright and for ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgements are included in their manuscript.

Manuscript preparation

Articles can be written in any of the following languages: Romanian, English, French or German, and should be checked by native speakers. They should normally be no longer than 10,000 words, inclusive of footnotes and tables.
The typescript should be prepared with the program Word / Microsoft Office (or other programs that save files compatible with Word), font Times New Roman (except for special characters - Cyrillic, Greek etc.), size 12 (10 for the footnotes), at 1.5 spaced throughout (including lists and references), paragraphs at 1 cm, with adequate top, bottom and side margins (around 3 cm), and each page must be numbered. Regardless of which language is written manuscripts will be accompanied by a summary of 100-500 words, in English. Also in English will be translated title, keywords related to the topic and references about the author (academic title, position, profession, institution where he/she works, town, country and email service). For guidance, please use the template file below.
Tables should be sent as separate files and should be numbered consecutively throughout. They should be provided with a full explanatory caption and source details. Indicate where tables should appear in the text by noting in the margin 'Table 5 near here'. Ensure the table is directly referred to in the text, thus: (see table 5).
Illustrations should be submitted in digital form. They should be produced to a standard reduction factor, ideally 1:1. They should be drawn to fit a page image of 125 mm by 185 mm. Do not caption or number illustrations on the artwork, but provide a separate caption list. Identify each piece of artwork lightly with its number in pencil on the reverse. Indicate the preferred position of the illustrations by noting in the margin of the text ‘Figure 5 near here’. Ensure figures are referred to in the text. Charges apply for all colour figures that appear in the print version of the journal. There is no charge for including colour figures in the online version of the Journal but it must be clear that colour is needed to enhance the meaning of the figure, rather than simply being for aesthetic purposes. Formats for illustration should be as follows: Format: TIF or JPG; Resolution 300 dpi. Photographs may also be submitted as clear, sharp-contrast glossy prints. Tables, line illustrations and photographs should be numbered in arabic and provided with a separate caption thus: Table 1 etc., Figure 1 etc., Photograph 1 etc.

Text conventions

Foreign language words in text should be italicized; however longer foreign language quotations should not be italicized. Use „left and right double quotation marks”, reserving «double angle quotation marks» for „quotes «within» quotes”. Long quotations of more than 50 words should be separated out from the text and typed indented at 1 cm, left and right, with double quotation marks, with one blank line above and below, size character 10. Capitals should be kept to a minimum, but should always be used where individual people or places are referred to specifically. Sub-headings in the text should be clearly identified but should use lower case. Abbreviations of specific terms designating an area (in professional jargon) and not for general use will be accompanied – at first mention in text only – by their explanation, between round brackets round. For example: PUG (Plan Urbanistic General). Titles and quotations from text and notes that are not in Romanian, English, French or German, would be followed, in square brackets, by the translation in the language of the article. References written in other alphabets than Latin (Cyrillic, Greek, Ottoman Turkish, Russian etc.) will be transliterated according to the rules used by the Romanian Academy ( ) or The Library of Congress (Romanization Tables,

References and footnotes

Usually, the system of footnotes used in Historia Urbana journal is international (we recommend using CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLES).
References and footnotes should be numbered in one sequence and cited in the text by a superior number. References should take the following form:

Books: (note upper case)
David Nicholson, The Urban Europe 1100–1700 (New York: Palgrave, 2003), 10-15.
Nikolai Todorov, Society, City and Industry in the Balkans, 15th 19th centuries (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 1998), 28.

Contribution to edited book: (note lower case for chapters and articles)
Laurențiu Rădvan, „Urban space in the Romanian Principalities”, in Cities and their spaces. Concepts and their use in Europe, Michel Pauly and Martin Scheutz eds. (Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2014): 77-79.

Article: (note: do not abbreviate journal titles).
Alexander Kazhdan, „The Italian and Late Byzantine City”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 49 (1995): 1-22.

Malcolm Graham, The suburbs of Victorian Oxford: growth in a pre-industrial city, University of Leicester Ph.D. thesis, 1986, 432-438.

Websites:, accessed 14.06.2016.

Subsequent citations:
David Nicholson, The Urban Europe, 12-16.
Todorov, Society, City and Industry, 48.
Kazhdan, „The Italian and Late Byzantine City”, 18.

Note: Ibid should be italicized and only be used to refer to the immediately preceding citation; do not use op. cit. or loc cit.; do not abbreviate journal titles.

Primary sources, government publications, newspapers:
On first citation, provide name of archive document series in full, with future abbreviations noted:

National Archives of Romania (NAR), Fond Ministerul Lucrărilor Publice Moldova (MLPM), dos. 52/1850, f. 20.
Biblioteca Academiei Romne (BAR), Cabinetul de harti, H. 270.
Der Spiegel, nr. 28 (9 July 2016): 2.

For subsequent citations:
NAR/MLPM, 52/1850, f. 22.
BAR, H. 270.


Typographical or factual errors only may be changed at proof stage. The publisher reserves the right to charge authors for correction of non-typographical errors.


A pdf of each article and review article will be supplied free to the first named author. Print offprints may be purchased from the publisher if ordered at proof stage and a form will be supplied for this purpose.

Word Template

For the editorial preparation of the manuscript, the editors provide you with a template in Word.

Last updated 8th May 2023