ISSN 1221-650X
Frequency: Annual
Aims and scope
The Historia Urbana journal was founded in 1993 by the Commission for the History of Towns in Romania, which is subordinated to the Romanian Academy. Until 2008, two issues were published per year, but since 2009 the journal has been published in a single annual issue of approximately 320 pages, both editions (printed and digital) being identical.
The journal’s main objective is to publish original research, of high scientific quality, in the fields of the history of towns and the history of architecture and urbanism. Although it is intended to cover, first of all, the historical and cultural realities in Romania and neighboring countries, topics related to other geographical areas are also accepted, and the thematic openness are very broad, from aspects related to the evolution of urban structures and social, cultural and economic activities in towns to topics related to cartography, topography, systematization and urban architecture, the towns relations with the countryside, the methodology of urban history research, etc. The journal has a multidisciplinary specificity and a national and international addressability, intended for researchers from various scientific institutions, teachers and students, museums, archives and local administration specialists, and the public interested in urban history.
In addition to the research works, the journal publishes the communications presented at thematic, national and international sessions and colloquiums organized annually by the Commission for the History of Towns in Romania. It also publishes reviews, presentations and bibliographic notes.
Articles can be written in Romanian, English, French or German, with abstracts and keywords in English.
The editors do not accept papers that have been published or are in the process of being published elsewhere and do not charge submission, processing and publication fees. The articles are subject to a double-blind peer review process.
The journal is published in December, and the manuscripts for the next issue are also received until the same month.
National rating 2020
History and cultural studies: B
Architecture and urbanism: B
The journal is indexed in the next international databases